Assigning Service Principals to Groups and Roles with the Azure CLI
The more I use Azure the more often I find myself needing to assign various managed identities / service principals to various groups and roles, and while that can be done in the Portal, it's cumbersome and I'd prefer to automate it.
So in this post I'll sharing a few Azure CLI commands that should prove useful whenever you're configuring Service Principals.
Getting a service principal's object id
Suppose you know the name of the service principal, but not the "object id", which is required for assigning it to groups and roles. You can use a filter
with the az ad sp list
command to find that service principal and then a query
to pick out just the object id.
Note that you should avoid trying to use the query
parameter to find the matching name, as that will likely not find it as it only applies to the first page of results.
$spName = "my-sp-name"
$objectId = az ad sp list --filter "displayname eq '$spName'" `
--query "[0].id" -o tsv
Note that the object id is different from the app id. If you do need the app id for any reason you just need to change the query
$appId = az ad sp list --filter "displayname eq '$spName'" `
--query "[0].appId" -o tsv
Adding to a group
Suppose we want to add the service principal to a group. We need the group id to do that, and if we need to look it up, we can do so with the az ad group list
command and using a filter
$groupName = "my group"
$groupId = az ad group list --filter "displayname eq '$groupName'" `
--query "[].id" -o tsv
Then the az ad group member add
command allows us to add the object id of our service principal to the group.
az ad group member add --group $groupId --member-id $objectId
Creating a role assignment
If we want to create a role assignment, then as well as knowing the user we're assigning the role to and the name of the role, we also need to provide a "scope" for that to apply to. This is typically a long /
delimited path to an Azure resource. So for a KeyVault it might look like this:
You can of course construct this string yourself, but actually this is quite often just the "ID" of the resource as returned by the Azure CLI. So we could get the above value with the following command:
$keyVaultScope = az keyvault show -n $keyVaultName -g $keyVaultGroup `
--query id -o tsv
And now that we have the scope, we can simply use the az role assignment create
to assign the role to our service principal, and we can pass the role name directly (in this example it's "Key Vault Administrator"):
az role assignment create --assignee "$objectId" `
--role "Key Vault Administrator" `
--scope "$keyVaultScope"
Hope this proves useful to you.